@article{oai:kobe-cufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001115, author = {清水, 政明 and Le, Thi Lien and 桃木, 至朗 and Shimizu, Masaaki and LE, Thi Lien and Momoki, Shiro}, journal = {神戸市外国語大学外国学研究, Annals of foreign studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper aims to introduce the content of the Inscription No.5 of Non Nuoc (Ho Thanh) Mountain in Ninh Binh province, Vietnam, and consider some aspects of phonological structure of 14^ century Vietnamese through the analysis of Chu Nom characters contained therein. As we have discussed in our previous paper based on the Chu Nom characters contained in Inscription No.8 of Non Nuoc Mountain which Henri Maspero called "une inscription de 1343 gravee sur le Ho-thanh-son 護城山 (Ninh-binh)" [Shimizu, et al 1998], some digraphemic characters were used to transcribe one morpheme. The same usage of Chu Nom characters can be attested in the present inscription as well, and that can help us to reconstruct the system of presyllable of 14^ century Vietnamese. Through the analysis of Chu Nom materials in the later stage, a trace of disyllabisity of 14^ century Vietnamese has become obvious., 首都大学東京, ベトナム考古学院, 大阪大学}, pages = {17--49}, title = {A Trace of disyllabisity of Vietnamese in the 14th Century : Chu Nom characters contained in the inscription of Ho Thanh mountain (2)}, volume = {64}, year = {2006} }