@article{oai:kobe-cufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001023, author = {村田, 純一 and Murata, Junichi}, journal = {神戸市外国語大学外国学研究, Annals of foreign studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This short paper deals with two counterintuitive aspects of Word Grammar from a pedagogical viewpoint. Both are concerned with the direction of dependency relationship. One is about the direction of the arrow, which points from the head to the dependent. This is the opposite to the direction found in ordinary language classrooms. The other counterintuitive aspect is the determiner as head of the phrase. I maintain that the main reason for this analysis is to pursue the elegance of the theory. I assert that elegance should not take priority over reality, which may look more complicated or less elegant.}, pages = {135--142}, title = {Where Are They Headed?}, volume = {55}, year = {2003} }